The Vintage Troops

The Vintage Troops

Friday, February 24, 2012

blah blah blah!

hey everyone!:)
Just thought i fill you guys in on whats going on,today i got 2 filling:( but dont have to go to school which is a awesome plus and also i have been saving my money like mad so know that i have a few quid im going to the Penneys or primark which is a bit of a treck away,but we are making a evening of it and going out for dinner also!I will have a haul up and maybe a few pics of models or random bits and bobs!:) still thinking of names for my blog....but will have one soon!:)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

new name?:s

hey everyone!I no,again,so long no post!Anyways I really wanted to start posting random things on my blog that are not all fashion orientated.And more things that tend to interest me!Anyways, if anyone has any name suggestions or any ideas for blog post,just get commenting!:)
muchas gracias!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

my list!

Hey everyone,hope you had a amazing valentines day.I just thought i might aswell post a more quirky post today!So i am a fourteen year old girl and here is the 2o things i want to do before i die.Some are personal and some are broad.
1.visit Anne franks grave. a baby elephant. a mile without stopping.
4.go to college.
5.swim with dolphins.
6 be a member of the audience in a tv show.
7.write my will.
8.send a message in a bottle.
9.shower in a bottle.
10.spend new years eve in timesquare.
11.ride a giant rollercoaster.
12.have a food fight.
13.take an ice cold bath.
14.get a tattoo.
15.visit all 7 continents.
16.dye hair a crazy colour. in a police line-up.
18.take part in a flash mob. in a foreign country for more that 6 months.
20.stay awake for 72 hours straight.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

January Favorites!

Okay guys so i just thought i would do a January favorites blog post!:)

Okay so i recently purchased this toner as i had run out of my simple toner,I really wanted to try a different brand because i had been using simple for quite sometime,so i didn't want my skin to become immune to it so  if my skin gets very bad i an go back to it!sorry for the rambling guys!So this is just the nivea refreshing toner which smells gorgeous.My skin feels super clean and fresh afterwards.
I've been really loving shorts recently, because my mom recently booked  foreign  holiday to the sun for out summer holiday and i have gone mad buying clothes for it already!And of course when i start getting into the summer mood what does ireland do??? its starts freezing!Snow on the mountains,ice on the roads!None the less im still gonna wear my shorts just maybe with an extra thick pair of tights! 
I really like this creme blush stick in the shade plaza pink,it adds a really nice flush of pink to the cheeks!
i really love the glitz and glamour of this glimmery gold nail varnish!
Yummy mint chewing gum,nom,nom,nom!
This is my new favorite song go listen!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

DIY flag shorts!

These are a cheaper version of the topshop american flag shorts.I used a pair of old ripped river island light wash baggy/ish jeans.I just used blue and red fabric paint and i already had white acrylic paint so i used that!